Her heart beat in frightened counterpoint to the rhythm of the mitochondrion. — Madeleine l’Engle, A Wind in the Door (1973) As you’ve likely heard,…

In Phoenix this week, clinical geneticists have gathered at ACMG to catch up on health-relevant genomic findings and tools, and decide how to best put…

In Phoenix this week, clinical geneticists have gathered at ACMG to catch up on health-relevant genomic findings and tools, and decide how to best put…

Three new papers spotlight a glut of rare variants in our genomes, with key insights for human history and health.

The plot thickens. The crab […] only runs backwards. – Arsenio Rodríguez, Cangrejo Fue a Estudiar In time, finer data and statistical models will test…

Twins have sometimes no resemblance to each other. – Aristotle, The History of Animals A much-discussed new paper from Nicholas Roberts, Bert Vogelstein, and colleagues…